Subscriber Options

Login to the MDDL interface and click the Subscriber Options link. There are three options you can set:


This is now optional. Members of the old listserv will find that their names were imported along with their email. While it isn't nessary, a custom arose in the very earliest days of the listserv to include not only your name, but the team you dance with in parentheses. For example:
Tom Jones (Unusual Morris Dancers)
Receiving mode

How you receive your postings from the listserv.  The options are:
  • digest MIME format: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a digest of them on a regular basis. This digest compiles a group of messages from the list, using multipart/digest MIME format. 
  • digest plain text format: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a digest of them on a regular basis. This digest compiles a group of messages from the list, using plain text format. 
  • html-only preferred: this mode allows you to receive only the HTML version (text/html) of messages sent in both formats.
  • standard (direct reception): this mode is the default delivery mode; it cancels any other delivery mode.
  • no mail (useful for vacations): this mode makes it possible not to receive the messages of the list. It is especially useful when you have no access to your email for a long time and want to remain subscribed to the list nevertheless.
  • not receiving your own posts: this mode allows you not to receive a copy of your own messages.
  • notice mode: with this mode, you will receive all the messages with a blank body: this way you are informed of every message sent to the list real time, without risk of flooding your inbox.
  • summary mode: instead of receiving the list messages in a normal manner, you will get a list of them on a regular basis. To read the messages, you will need to browse the online list archive.
  • text-only preferred: this mode allows you to receive only the text version (text/plain) of messages sent in both formats (plain text and HTML).
  • urlize mode: this mode allows you not to receive attached documents. However these documents are available in the list archive and you can access them through a URL provided in the message.


By default, you will be set to "listed in the list review page", which means you'll show up when you click the "Review members" link. You can change this to "concealed".

For more information, visit the User Guide.