The Morris Dancing Discussion List (MDDL) is an unmoderated listserv-based discussion group devoted to discussions, debates, and rants on all things Morris, including: Cotswold, Border, Garland, Northwest, etc.; Sword Dancing, both Long Sword and Short Sword (Rapper); Mumming, Mumming plays and other ritual drama; Molly Dancing, Abbots Bromley, Plough Dancing; winter festivals such as Wassailing, Caroling and Twelfth Night; May Day celebrations, including May Poles and other rural festivities; and anything else we can think of that might be even the slightest bit Morris related. Beer and pubs are discussed fairly often for some reason, as are singing, tune trading, the merits of various musical instruments... (you get the idea).
Visit the
MDDL listserv information web site to get started.
The listowners are: Jim Morgan (Bloomington Quarry Morris) / and Tom Keays (Binghamton Morris Men) /
Contact Tom